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The best “wrong” turn I ever made!

I took my daughter on a photo shoot today.  I had a specific place in mind and in order to get there, I had to cross over some railroad tracks that wind their way through town.  In a failed attempt to find a short-cut to cross the railroad tracks, I came upon this awesome, old train station that sat along the tracks, complete with a gorgeous cobblestone parking area and a beautiful brick walkway.  I just love anything and everything historic, so you can imagine the joy inside me when I saw this jewel, hidden behind house-filled streets and sitting peacefully in the setting sun. 



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  • MissySeptember 21, 2009 - 1:53 pm

    These pics are beautiful and Catie is the perfect model! You really make it feel like a scene out of the 40’s – you certainly have found your calling!

  • KoriOctober 7, 2009 - 12:40 am

    Wow, Christine, what a great blog! Congratulations! Catie is absolutely adorable and such a little model. You have taught her well! The entire blog is amazing.

Happy Birthday Princess “E”!

Last May I had the pleasure of photographing my little neighbor Emma – the little Emma who makes me smile every time I see her and always has a big smile to give back.  And today, I was so happy to be able to take some more pictures of her as we helped celebrate her first birthday.  And let me tell you, she is one of the most happiest, beautiful little girls I have ever met!  So thank you, Emma, for letting us celebrate with you today and may you have a wonderful year ahead that is filled with all your favorite things!  Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

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Sunflowers know that the key to happiness is to have a little sunshine on your face!

I am a HUGE fan of sunflowers!  So you can imagine my delight when I came upon this glowing field of sunflowers the day of a recent photo session.  They stand so proud and so tall, always turning their beautiful faces towards the sun!  And what better way to spend a peaceful, summer evening than with a glowing field of sunflowers and a glowing three year old!  Thank you “M” for your unending patience and your adorable personality! 





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  • NatalieSeptember 13, 2009 - 9:42 pm

    I love the old fashioned buggy! The pictures are beautiful and the new blog is fantastic 🙂

  • HaleySeptember 13, 2009 - 10:00 pm

    What a beautiful little girl! wow– awesome pics 🙂 love the blog!

  • KayceeSeptember 14, 2009 - 9:02 am

    Congratulations, Christine! The photos and the new blog – all gorgeous!

  • Misty MatzSeptember 14, 2009 - 9:50 am

    Adorable little girl~so natural! Love-love the buggy image -perfection!

  • stephanieSeptember 14, 2009 - 4:05 pm

    Congrats on the new blog..looks fab! I love the 1st and 3rd images. What a great little pram and a beautiful little girl!

  • april toddSeptember 15, 2009 - 9:55 am

    wow!!! Your new blog looks fab- and this set of pics is amazing! I love #3…something about it says CANVAS!!!!

  • Charlene ChavezSeptember 15, 2009 - 11:37 pm

    Your new blog is wonderful with beautiful images and colors too!

Welcome and enjoy!

Well, after the long wait, my new blog is finally ready!  As I sit here at my computer on this Labor Day evening, I cannot help but think of how blessed I am in this life of mine.  Where my job is something that I truly, TRULY enjoy, and the dear Lord has blessed me with one amazing husband and two beautiful and healthy little girls, all three of whom are the inspirations in my life.  And as we turn the corner from the summer days in Avalon, afternoons at the playground, bare feet, and after-dinner ice pops, I look ahead with great excitement to a new year of photography.  And what’s better is that I can now share this journey with those of you that are willing to come along with me.  And with that, I begin with my littlest, Fifi, as I sometimes call her. I was watching Sophie this weekend as she so happily struggled to pull herself up into a standing position and glanced at me with her tremendous smile and big, bright, very blue eyes – proud and happy over her big accomplishment.  It’s all new for her too, this standing thing, and at times it seems that her biggest concern is only to keep up with her big sister.  If only life could be that simple!  And as intimidating as it can be for a 9 month old to face this world of ours, she does it, fearless and full of wonder and smiles.  To take this sweet moment in time and just simply make it stop – and be able to enjoy the moment for years and years and years to come.  That is why I love my job so very much!    So welcome to my new blog!  I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I enjoy sharing it with you, and please do come back as often as you wish! 


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  • Jim LambertSeptember 13, 2009 - 10:28 am

    Wonderful site. I love your pictures.


  • Michelle LeslieSeptember 14, 2009 - 4:59 pm

    Christine, this site is wonderful. Your pictures are beautiful, especially the one of Sophie holding herself up. Best of luck. I look forward to viewing regularly.