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Summer Horse Camp

This past week was a very special one here in the Chardo home.  Our little girl went off to her first “summer camp”!  And she loved every minute of it!  The hardest part for me was leaving her, but not for the reason you might think.  I wanted to stay and join the campers!  They enjoyed lots of horse-related activities all day long, from riding and grooming to arts and crafts.  What could be better than learning about horses and playing with a family of pot bellied pigs, a lamb, a goat, and the most lovable dogs you’d ever want to meet?  I am so happy to have found this beautiful farm that is owned by the most wonderful family.  Clechachar Farm (http://www.clechacharfarm.com/) is an exceptionally run riding facility, and the summer riding camp program they offer is outstanding!  Enjoy the pictures of these ecstatic kids and their four-legged friends! 

Horse Tattoos!

The charming Bubba!

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  • paigeJuly 30, 2010 - 4:49 pm

    Love the pictures. Look like everyone had fun. What a great experience!

Good ‘Ol Family Fun

A few weeks ago we travelled to NJ for my cousin’s college graduation picnic.  I treasure every moment I get to spend with my family.  They’re the greatest!  But sadly, as the years have gone by, many of us have moved away, and so it’s not often that we can all be together at the same time.  There are unending memories of years ago that we all share.  Memories of almost every holiday together, every birthday, every picnic, every graduation and every celebration of some sort.  How I wish it could all still be like that.  I miss those days!  But our family has been growing by leaps and bounds, and now we have new, little people running around (and running US around) at every family get together.  And now, the two “youngest” of my cousins are college graduates!  Our family has a lot to be thankful for.   Here are a few pictures I wanted to post from K’s graduation picnic.  We had a wonderful time, K, and as always, we treasured the time we got to spend with you and the rest of our family.   We love you!

There’s nothing better than playing with water balloons on a hot, summer day! 


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  • Julie SowersJuly 21, 2010 - 10:42 am

    Looks like a day of fun!!!

Announcing… My Christmas in July Spectacular!

Yes, it’s that time of year again when we start thinking about the holidays!  Well, maybe not some of us, but I know I do!  The holiday season approaches so quickly it always seems, and it’s here and gone within a flash.  So to help ease the stress of last minute holiday preparations, I am here with a fabulous and festive offer!  It’s my Christmas in July Spectacular, which I am very excited to announce!  

Between now and the end of July, call or email me to book your fall session and you will receive two (yes, TWO) sets of my custom holiday cards FREE!  That’s 50 holiday cards just for booking your session in July. 

Please note that your session fee is due at booking and my regular print minimum still applies.  I offer a variety of beautiful holiday cards from which to choose, which perfectly compliment the images of your family. 

Seasons Greetings!

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Hot Fun in the Summertime

Well, this scorcher of a heat wave is upon us so what better way to spend a 3 digit day than running through the sprinker… again, and again, and again… until you’re completely water logged and turning blue in the face. 

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