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The Sunshine That Lives Down the Street

Meet my little neighbor Elise!  As we arrived at the location for our photo session yesterday, I would have bet my bottom dollar that the skies were going to open up, the rain would come pouring down, and the thunder would begin to roar.  But thankfully we were only dealt the dark gray clouds, and the storms seemed to miraculously miss us.  But even despite the dark gray clouds that filled yesterday’s sky, there was a great big burst of sunshine every time this darling little girl smiled at me from the other side of my camera.  This is the second time I photographed Elise and I must say that this little one who was a bit shy last year has turned into quite the little ham!  I had so much fun taking her picture!


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  • Natalie ClayshulteAugust 22, 2010 - 10:47 pm

    What a sweet girl! These are precious moments you captured. Great colors, too!

  • Gina BrelsfordAugust 23, 2010 - 7:51 am

    LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics CHRISTINE! you did such a great job. I cannot wait to see them all:) Thanks again….
    Gina and Matt

Saturday’s Session with Cole

Please allow me to introduce Cole… in all his cuteness!!!  What an absolutely adorable little man and such a joy to be with during Saturday’s session.  Our session was overcome by cloudy skies last night, so we’re going to finish our picture taking sometime this week.  But I did get some cute shots of Cole while we were together yesterday so I wanted to share them with mom and dad.  And I promise to share some more after we meet again! 


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Sophie and the Giant (or rather, “Donut”) Peach

Have you ever heard of a donut peach?  I hadn’t until a recent visit to Strite’s Orchard here in Harrisburg.  They are AMAZING!!!  They’re peaches that resemble (yes, you guessed it!)… donuts!  Sweeter than any peach I’ve ever had and the perfect size and shape for little hands and little mouths.  If you’ve never had one, or you’ve never been to Strite’s Orchard, I strongly recommend that you head over there and try them out.  But don’t go today because they’re closed on Sundays.  Here is their website in case you’d like to check it out:  http://www.stritesorchard.com.  It’s a great place to frequent or just visit!

This is the peach truck that just arrived with the daily pickings.  I LOVE this truck! 

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Early Christmas Shopping and “A Few of My Favorite Things”

Don’t you just love when you’re out window shopping and you stumble upon the most perfect thing to buy???  I took a trip to Long Beach Island (NJ) this past week to visit family and while doing some shopping in town, I found the most adorable miniature hot air balloons!  They immediately caught my eye because my oldest daughter, who is now 4, is completely and utterly in love with hot air balloons.  I’m not sure why exactly, but I think it may have started with one of her favorite stories, “Curious George and the Hot Air Balloon”.  It’s a story she has loved ever since she was able to sit on the couch and listen to my husband and me read to her.  She is amazed by hot air balloons!  So I was filled with that “happy shopper” feeling when I saw this little hot air balloon hanging in the window.  It was the perfect size – about a foot tall, and it had these beautiful pastel colored stripes going up and down, and a tiny basket hanging below.  It was indeed the PERFECT decoration to hang in a little girl’s room.  And I loved it so much that I bought two of them so that my little one could have one for her room also.  So for me, the hard part will be waiting until Christmas to give these beautiful little gifts to my sweetie peas.  I just love, love, love them and can’t wait to hang them in their rooms!  And with that, I had to post a few pictures to show you, and include them as “A Few of My Favorite Things”.   

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Saturday’s Session with the Boys

I had a wonderful session this past Saturday and I have been so excited to post the sneak peek for these kiddos and their mom.  We had a fun time in downtown Harrisburg and to top it off, I even managed to get a hug shot out of them (well, sort of).  Your boys are great T, and I enjoyed being entertained by them – they’re a couple of cuties! 

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