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Fun on the Rail Trail

Here is a sneak peek from Saturday’s session with M & P.  I met these little guys, along with their mom and dad, in a beautiful little town that is located along the Heritage Rail Trail in York County.  I wanted to send a big thank you to  M & P for hanging in there with me, despite the fact that the dinner hour was quickly passing and their little tummies were anxious for some supper.  And I can’t sign off without thanking P for all the great knock-knock jokes.  I just wish I could remember them all!!!

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Cole… Part 2

Part two of my session with Cole took place this past week and this time, we even got some pictures with his mommy and daddy (and little sister on the way)!  We had a beautiful night and it was so nice to enjoy some cooler weather while shooting.  Here are a few more pictures from my session with this beautiful family!  :O)

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Backpacks and Apples and Lunchbags, Oh MY!

It’s “back to school time” and I couldn’t let this exciting day go by without posting a couple pictures of my happy four-year-old as she headed back to preschool.  The difference?  This year she will be gone a full day!  I do admit that I was sad to leave her this morning, but she was happy and eager to start her day, so what more can a mother ask for?  And the first thing she did when she woke up this morning was run into the fridge, grab her lunch bag, and pull out the special apple that was packed and ready to go.  It evidently was the highlight of her morning, even aside from the thought of seeing her old friends, meeting new friends, and enjoying a fun-filled day at school.  What is it about an apple that still has a leaf on it?  I picked up these delicious galas over the weekend at a roadside produce stand.  The apples were all piled high in a big crate, and although each and every one looked mouth watering, the ones that still had their little leaves attached to the stem just called out “I AM FRESH, AND EXTRA TASTY”.  And aside from the taste, they are simply the cutest things to look at!   So I hope my little girl enjoys her special apple today – the one with the tiny leaf!  And enjoy every minute of your first day back to school.  I love you! 

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  • Andrea HallettAugust 30, 2010 - 1:16 pm

    They are adorable and I LOVE that apple shot! You should hang that in your kitchen! How did I not know you are in Harrisburg? We need to get together! :o)

Two by Two – My Saturday with the Twins

I had the greatest time this weekend while photographing Ella and Chase.  I was amazed at how distinct their little personalities were, even at 9 months old!  And not only were they adorable, they even sat still for me!  So thank you Ella and Chase for being such wonderful models, and thank you to their mommy and daddy for making my Saturday “doubly” delightful! 

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  • Natalie ClayshulteAugust 30, 2010 - 1:09 pm

    Love the new blog!! Those twins are so adorable. Great work!

Only a Few Spots Remain!

Only two weekend spots and limited weeknight spots remain between now and Christmas, so if you have been thinking about booking a session, please call me today! 

Also, some very exciting news!  In the next couple of weeks I will be sending out the first edition of my monthly newsletter.  If you would like to be added to my mailing list, please send me your name and email address (by responding to me in the contact section of my blog) and in the message box, type “newsletter”.

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

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