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It’s that most wonderful time of the year… and it’s on its way!

No matter how far in advance I plan my holiday shopping, I almost always end up scrambling at the last minute for those unexpected gifts.  It happens every year!  So there I am, out and about in the midst of the holiday rush, fighting crowds, stuck in traffic, and missing out on that good book and a hot cup of cocoa in front of the fire.   So this year, for all those last minute gifts AND even the ones you have plenty of time to purchase, why not consider a gift certificate for a family photo session with yours truly?  All gift certificates come beautifully wrapped in holiday packaging and are all ready to go!  So kick back, grab that new book you’ve been wanting to read, light the fire and warm the cocoa!  I’m just a phone call or an email away and can have most of your holiday gift shopping completed for you in a matter of minutes.  Tempting, isn’t it????

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The Fab Five


Here is a sneak peek from my session with the “Fab Five” yesterday!  I was so happy to once again photograph this beautiful family.  I always have a great time with them!  Here are some of my favorites from our session yesterday.




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Miss Personality…. and then some!  🙂  Here is a quick sneak peek from this weekend’s session with Miss Willow.  This little 3 year old has enough energy to light up the world and was still going strong when I left!   Enjoy the sneak peek!

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Here she comes… and there she goes… as quick as a flash!  This tiny little munchkin just learned how to walk about a week ago and it seems there’s no stopping her now!  I’ve never seen such skill and determination in a child so small.  Little Lily amazed me this weekend and without a doubt convinced me that she has a big and bright future ahead of her.  And she’s starting that journey now!  Here is the sneak peek I promised for her mommy and daddy.  Enjoy!





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Just when I think they can’t get any cuter… one comes along and takes my heart away!  I spent the afternoon with the most delightful little baby and his mommy and daddy today.  Little Brady was born only 8 days ago and is already wooing his very proud (and glowing) family.  Here is a sneak peek of this adorably handsome little man – as dreamy and cuddly as can be!  🙂



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  • Julie SowersSeptember 8, 2012 - 9:52 pm

    He is a doll! I am in love with that first image….so precious and dreamy!