It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about some of what goes on here at the Chardo home, so today I decided to give my blog some lovin’ and post a few pictures of one of my fur babies. This is Beatrice. We call her “Bea” or “Beezie” for short. Bea is a Beagle mix (we think she has some Jack Russell in her) that we adopted from one of our local rescues, Castaway Critters. I’m very fond of Castaway because it is where we adopted our other fur baby, Phoebe. She’s our beloved cat. So, you see, Bea was pulled from a shelter in West Virginia by an extremely devoted foster parent at Castaway Critters. Little Bea was due to be euthanized in a matter of days because she has cataracts in each of her eyes. The problem is that she is only two years old, and most two year olds don’t have cataracts. So they deemed her “un-adoptable” because of her eyes. Sad, I know. But along came Castaway Critters and pulled this little girl from a very dire situation and shipped her up here where she would spend a week with a foster parent before coming to us. I knew I was smitten when the truck pulled into the driveway and little Bea was sitting upright in the front passenger seat, looking straight ahead out the window, checking out the neighborhood that would soon become her own. She hopped out, came inside for a visit, and never left! We love her! She’s calm and quiet, playful, housebroken, sweet as can be, and loves… LOVES… going for walks and taking trips in the car. She’s our girl! The only teensy weensy problem we had was that, unlike all the other members of our family, she was not very fond of the camera. Hard to believe, I know! So it’s taken some time to be able to snap a picture without her heading for the hills. But today I took her outside on this gorgeous sunny day and as we approached the spot for picture taking, she sat right down and looked right at me, as if to say “Okay… I got this!” So here she is, in her first ever “official” photo session, miss Beatrice Chardo! (I’m so proud of her!) 🙂