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The Sweetest Siblings ~ [Harrisburg, PA – Child Photographer]

OH MY GOSH!  Check out these two!  These precious siblings were in town this weekend for their cousin’s christening.  The sneak peek will follow shortly, but in the meantime, I just had to share these images of this adorable duo.  God bless them and all their cuteness!



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Taylor ~ [Camp Hill, PA – Teen Photographer]

I am so excited to share a preview from this past weekend’s session.  Not only is this gorgeous young lady and her family dear friends of our family, she is also one phenomenal and very talented singer and artist!  She’s opening for a concert that’s coming up at the end of the summer and I was honored when she asked me to take some photos for her to use in a promotional poster.  So here is your sneak peek Taylor!  You are an absolute beauty and a complete sweetheart!  I loved spending time with you on Sunday! 🙂





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In the Daisies ~ [Central PA – Engagement Photographer]

I promise to post some more sneak peeks from yesterday’s engagement session but I wanted to quickly share this image.  I love it.   I meet the sweetest people in my business, and this couple was no exception.  I will be photographing their wedding at the end of the summer and had the honor of taking some engagement photos for them yesterday.  They are beautiful, both inside and out!!!


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